Sunday, October 24, 2010

Week4- The Eye

“Unlike the human eye and brain, no computer vision algorithm is completely "general", which is to say, able to perform its intended function given any possible video input”

 This week's lecture built was very technical and built upon the conceptual ideas in the readings.
The different positionings that were possible with the projectors were interesting because I had never thought about all the work that went into the actually physical set up of the examples we had seen.

What I found useful was that the readings actually related to the lecture material which helped me solidify my understanding of the concepts.

The author went through the different limitations of a computer system’s ‘vision’ and discussed how it’s still a major problem even today. It gave a good base of chronological advancement to show that it’s a hot topic even till this day.

Particularily interesting, was the explanation of how motion tracking actually worked.

The use of specific points on the screen usually given by pixels, are used to track the motion of the body that you choose to follow.

It was interesting to read about the different ways in which the human body can be tracked.“The mouth cavity is easily segmentable as a dark region, and the circularity of its shape is also closely linked to vowel sound. The pupils of the eye emit an easy-to-track infrared retroreflection, and they also indicate a person's direction of gaze.”
This also gave me ideas for the project, and how I might be able to track motion.

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